About White Buffalo Spiritual Society Inc.
The White Buffalo Spiritual Society Inc. (White Buffalo) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 2000. Inspired by the example of the White Buffalo Calf Spirit Woman, the objectives of White Buffalo are to heal and strengthen the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of Indigenous people and non-Indigenous people through traditional teachings and ceremonies. White Buffalo is guided by Knowledge Keeper, Elder and President Calvin Pompana.
White Buffalo has the following mandates:
To advance education of indigenous culture by organizing indigenous pow wows and other educational activities in Winnipeg for the public in general;
To provide social rehabilitation programs to indigenous people that are homeless or hard-to-employ by providing them with culturally appropriate health and wellness programs, life skills and work experiences.

The Coming of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe
The following prophecy is shared by the Ta Tonka Oyate Nations, which is, the Buffalo Nation People, the Lakota, Nakoda, and Dakota Nations of Canada and the United States.
Along time ago two scouts were sent out to find buffalo for our starving people. The two scouts were out for three days but saw no buffalo herds. On the morning of the fourth day they saw an awesome sight. A huge black buffalo was coming. As it came closer, it rolled on the ground and turned red. It came closer, rolled again and turned yellow. It rolled once more and finally it turned into an awesome white buffalo.The younger of the two scouts knew it was a spirit but the older scout could only think of how great it would be to kill such a huge buffalo. As the awesome white buffalo came closer to the two scouts, it turned into a small white buffalo calf and then into a beautiful spirit woman. The spirit woman wore a beautiful white buckskin dress with long fringes that touched the grass as she walked towards the two scouts.
The older scout had lustful thoughts of the spirit woman. She said to the scout to come forward and fulfill your lustful thoughts. As he came forwards to touch her, the thunder spirits struck the scout and smoke engulfed him. When the smoke cleared, all that was left was a disintegrated pile of flesh. The scout did not respect the woman and was not in touch with his spiritual self.The Sacred White Buffalo Calf Spirit Woman told the younger scout to go back to his people with the following message: She would come in four days. To prepare, the people were to make a huge lodge out of many buffalo skins for all the people to sit together. All the children, both boys and girls, were to pick sage to be placed on the floor of the lodge. The people should put on their best traditional dress for the ceremonial occasion.
The scout brought this message back to his people and told them what he had seen. So the people did as they’d been asked. The buffalo lodge was completed and on the fourth day the people sat in the lodge on the sage and waited for the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Spirit Woman to make her appearance.When the sun was directly above the lodge, a cry went up. Coming toward the camp, an awesome black buffalo could be seen. Just as before, as it came closer the buffalo rolled on the earth four times. Its colour turned from black, to red, to yellow, and then to white. As that white buffalo approached the lodge it turned into a small white buffalo calf. Then at the entrance of the lodge the calf turned into the beautiful Sacred White Buffalo Calf Spirit Woman.
She was as beautiful as before. In her arms she carried a bundle. Everyone thought she was carrying a baby but as she un-wrapped the bundle, people could see she was holding a pipe. This was the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe and she was bringing it to the people.Then she taught the people the meaning of the pipe. She showed how when the bowl and the stem of the pipe were connected, it created a connection to Wakan Tonka, the Creator. She showed the people how to fill the pipe with sacred tobacco and how to pray with it and use it daily for their own emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well being, and for the healing of their nation. Ass he sat in the lodge, she also taught the people the Seven Sacred Teachings of the Sacred Pipe.The teachings she brought that day are being revived and practiced today. And by coming in the four colours – Black, Red, Yellow, and White –she taught us that these teachings are not just for the Buffalo Nation people, but for the four colours of humans in this world.
All Nations All People