Calvin Aubrey Pompana – Passing – February 12, 2023
Song by Calvin’s daughter
Beautiful elder, Calvin Pompana. Kind and generous heart of a man. Have so many wonderful memories and journeys with him. Sad day to learn of his passing. I can still hear his voice he spoke at Fountain Valley, crystal clear and with a smile, ‘it’s a beautiful day to die.’ We are better people because of you. May his family and loved ones be comforted today and all the days moving forward. – Nancy Bleck

We say our prayers for our Elder and Sundance Chief Calvin Pompana who is making his journey to be home with the Ancestors. Yes a great deal of sacred knowledge will go with him, but he loved us all so much he shared his teachings and love of Ceremony and The Sundance with many. He will live on in the hearts of those he touched which are too many to count, as will his teachings. Calvin gave my grandson Miguel his name when he was just a young boy one of our junior fire keepers at Coldwater, and my Granddaughter Chantelle danced as our White Buffalo Calf also at Coldwater, he presented my wife Dixie Lee Vance with her Sacred Chanupa. So many good memories and stories to share. He was there when I got my blanket, yes he will be missed. Travel well my Elder and friend Hiy Hiy Love&prayers – Glenn Vance
Mitakuye Oyasin. Dakota Sundance Chief & Elder Calvin Pompana passed away on Sunday, February 12th. I had the privilege of meeting Calvin for the first time in 2015 as I joined a local community of beautiful humans who gather to learn from/with First Nations People and do ceremonies in a good way. It was my first sweat lodge & gathering. I have been learning & sharing ceremonies ever since. When I think of Calvin I see him smiling, laughing & connecting with people. I am forever grateful to Calvin for the teachings he so generously shared with me, our community & so many around the world. When he blessed me with a spirit name (the best gift I got for my 45th birthday) it was overwhelmingly moving & an honor I will forever carry with me. It fit so well & filled me with a range of emotions that were profound & changed me. Every time I enter a lodge he will be with me. Every time I think of or speak the name he gave me he is with me. His memory is certainly a blessing to our community and so many others. Let us all honor him by remembering and doing all we can to walk the Red Road in a good way. Love to all. Please join me in holding his family, & all who love him, through this time of grief. – Good Voice Star Woman – Stana Weisburd

My deepest condolences and prayers were sent out to the family and all that had the great opportunity to sit with Elder. Ive been sitting with a deep pain I have not felt in many moons, a pain that has taken my breath away many times today as tears are released. I can’t find words to express all I would like to share, so..Travel well Dear One, know you impacted mine and so many lives, I we are grateful, your stories and teaching will not be forgotten as we continue the work and remember and celebrate all you are as you watch from beyond…tókša akhé – Lorraine Clements

Rest in power
I’ve been quiet processing the passing of our beloved teacher and elder
Sundance Chief Calvin Pompana. He always welcomed everyone from all Four Directions with an open heart and eternal sense of humour. His wise teachings
and songs
will live on in all of us, as he intended. We honour the passing of this great Chief into the spirit world.
All My Relations~
– Ava Niamh
So grateful for the ceremony at The Hive with Dakota Nation Sundance Chief and Elder, Calvin Pompana in 2017 including a Traditional Pipe Ceremony and Sweat Lodge. He imprinted us with experiences, knowledge and his generous heart. His lessons live on and grow in all of us. Thank you for all the gifts you shared with everyone you touched Calvin Pompana. You have left a beautiful legacy. – The Hive Centre and Stay

I am so grateful for the time we shared with Dakota Sundance Chief and Elder Calvin Pompana. In 2017, Bear Standing Tall (Jason Rocky Carter) and Red Medicine Woman (Pamela Carter) graciously brought Calvin to The Hive with the help of many community members. He shared meaningful stories, wisdom, laughter and ceremonies. His profound teachings will last a lifetime. Thank you for your life and legacy Calvin Pompana. – Elsii Faria

My prayers go out to mooshum. I’ll always cherish my name he gifted me with. Idk if I’d be where I am without him. Hiy hiy.- Chad Dominique

My sincerest deepest condolences to your family. Chief Calvin Pompana. Fly high to Creator. You taught me the eagle feather teaching how important it is to stay on the red road. No illegal drugs and no alcohol. Because how it cuts people’s life shorter. It’s not our way. 21 years ago this picture was taken & my teachings were given. I’ll carry your wise words with me always. Life is like an eagle feather. Our days are numbered. We have many paths to choose. We just stay on the red road. So that we may live a long life….- Paull Ashley

It is with a heavy heart that I relay the news of the passing of a respected elder and dear friend – Calvin Pompana. I am grateful for all of the wisdom, teachings, songs, and ceremonies Calvin shared. He touched the lives of so many, and changed so many lives for the better. Calvin will be deeply missed, and a part of him will remain forever in his beloved Hudson Valley – the part that lives on in our hearts. Thank you, my friend, for so many things. Many blessings on your journey home. Mitakuye Oyasin. – Karin A. Wolf

Suzane Winbergh – Passing February 17, 2022
In Loving Memory of Suzane, the woman who loved and cared for Calvin for 17 years.